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You have the need, we have the know how


Hair loss is a natural part of life.

As a woman, you probably didn’t grow up expecting to encounter hair loss. As a consistent and undeniable pattern emerges too much hair in your brush and too much in the drain – women tend to feel alone, afraid, and unprepared. This is unfortunate because nearly 30% of women will experience some form of hair thinning or loss during their lifetime. It happens at all ages and for a remarkable number of reasons, many of which are reversible. Understanding what causes women’s hair loss is the first step toward resolving the problem.

Get connected.

If you’ve found yourself in that intimidating, isolating moment, please know that you’re not alone. You have options. And until the cause of your hair loss has been identified, you don’t need to be afraid. If you’re in the Miami area, you simply need to pick up the phone or submit the form below to schedule a free, private, pressure-free consultation. Our discreet, woman-owned hair restoration studio is here to make hair loss easier with healthy, holistic solutions.

It’s never good to self-diagnose, and a personalized hair and scalp evaluation by a specialized professional is critical to identifying the cause of female hair loss with certainty. That said, we are here to help you understand the most common causes of women’s hair loss.



We have solutions


  • Androgenetic Alopecia (Female Pattern Hair Loss) - Androgenetic Alopecia doesn’t affect as large a proportion of women as it does men, but it’s still the single most common cause of female hair loss. Shockingly, female pattern baldness is to blame in more than 90% of women’s hair loss. Though the condition goes by the same name, androgenetic alopecia in women can arise from a variety of causes. Some involve excess testosterone, but others do not.

    Fortunately, this type of hair loss takes on a very different pattern in women than it does for men. While guys progress toward a horseshoe pattern of remaining hair, women’s androgenetic alopecia radiates around the entire scalp, causing more even thinning. We might not know the precise stimulus behind this cause of women’s hair loss, but we can still intervene. Many women in the early stages of androgenetic alopecia are excellent candidates for laser therapy, hair loss prevention, and potential re-growth.


  • Medical Hair Loss - From nutrient deficiencies to Chemotherapy and radiation, a huge number of medical causes can result in women’s hair loss. Pregnancy, significant weight loss, thyroid disorders, and prescription medications can all cause women’s hair to shed or thin.

  • Alopecia Totalis - Alopecia Totalis is a manifestation of Alopecia Areata that causes total hair loss throughout the scalp. It’s likely caused by an autoimmune disorder, and it progresses throughout the scalp in a series of round patches of hair loss.

  • Alopecia Universalis - While Alopecia Totalis is limited to the scalp, Alopecia Universalis results in hair loss over the entire body. Both are forms of Alopecia Areata likely caused by the immune system mistakenly attacking the hair follicles.

  • Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia - Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia is a type of scarring alopecia that results in permanent hair loss. Middle-aged women are most commonly affected. Though CCCA is often blamed on specific styling methods, the actual cause is unknown and may involve a medical condition. Early diagnosis is critical because medical intervention can prevent the progression of this form of hair loss.

  • Lichen Planopilaris - Lichen Planopilaris is a rare inflammatory condition that causes patchy hair loss, usually on the sides, front, and lower back of the scalp. The cause is unknown, and it disproportionately affects young adult women.

  • Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia - Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia is a form of Lichen Planopilaris that causes slowly progressing hair loss and scarring on the scalp near the forehead. FFA can affect the eyebrows, eyelashes, and other parts of the body as well.

  • Trichotillomania - Trichotillomania is hair loss caused by compulsive hair-pulling and the result of a neurological disorder. If you’re struggling with this compulsion, you’re not alone – an estimated 2-4% of the U.S. population (8 million people) suffer from chronic hair pulling.


As you can see, women’s hair loss has a lot of causes. The good news is that, for every one of them, there’s a healthy way to restore your hair. At Image Anew, we’ll do everything we can to help you keep your naturally growing hair. Even if your hair loss isn’t preventable, we’ll work until you’re happy with your hair. You have options, and we’re here for you. Schedule your free consultation and find out what’s causing your hair loss today.

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